11 years before this photo was taken…
…I went on a date with a young man. One I’d met while we both worked at Sheplers, after I’d asked him to “clean my boots.” (Read the full story here.) He was charming, and funny, and handsome, and I fell head over western heel. Yesterday, that same young man had his attention on another girl at Sheplers. At 41 inches tall and 38 pounds, she consumes his whole heart. As he helped her buy her first pair of “real” boots, I couldn’t help but stare in wonder. Never in my wildest dreams did I see this in my future when I was 18 and flirting with a cute coworker. Never did I imagine that we’d be back here together, our little family of four. He stole my heart, and now she’s stolen his. It took 11 years, but the circle is complete.

Those pink boots look great on her!! Jack asked for his first pair of boots this week. Mommy was thrilled! Daddy was not, but he gamely agreed to buy them if Jack really wants them.
Cutest ever.
I loved this Blog post, Cat! It really touched my heart… How sweet!