3 crazy reasons I wouldn’t mind being pregnant again

I have a 3 and 1 year old. I get little sleep every night. My house is usually in complete chaos, overrun by toys, clothes, and more toys. Silence is a thing of the past, a treasure I savor whenever I get a few glorious minutes. But there are moments, crazy-in-the-head moments, when I long to be pregnant again. Is it the cute newborn pics my friends keep posting to Facebook? No. Those kids are cute but not that cute. Is it the pretty preggo belly shots my friends are taking? No. They look cute with a swollen frame, but I didn’t look that cute preggers. Is it the love I feel for my two girls that I know would only grow more with another child? No. I barely have enough patience for the both of them. So, why in the world do I long to have a bun in the oven sometimes?
1. My body doesn’t know what to expect to when I’m not expecting. I was blessed to have “easy” pregnancies. My blood pressure stayed low, nausea didn’t last long, my tall frame could accommodate a large belly, and I was generally in a pleasant mood. But there’s no “What to Expect when You’re Not Expecting” book. Ever since weaning my youngest nearly five months ago, my body has been cranky. Wonky. Unpredictable. It has no rhythm or rhyme. It’s just…there. Yes, having young children will stress anyone out, but I know the majority of my crankiness comes from my crazy-town hormones. Just settle down already!!!
With pregnancy, I had an explanation for every twinge, every twitch, every strange new sensation. Post pregnancy? It’s anyone’s guess. It’s just a roller coaster that I’m strapped in to, and I’m not enjoying the ride.
2. I’d like to get my nom-nom on, and not feel guilty. (Preggo eating is the best!) I like to eat. To enjoy. To savor. And food never tastes as good as when you’re pregnant. Roast beef sandwiches sing with juiciness. Cheeseburgers tempt with their meaty deliciousness. Pickles please with salty satisfaction. And ice cream. Oh, the wonders of a bottomless bowl of frozen sweetness propped up on an eight-months-of-gestation belly. Excuse me while I wipe the drool off my monitor. Seriously. Eating is very enjoyable to me, but when you’re not pregnant, it’s just not the same. Sure, I still indulge, but it’s always with a side of guilt. And guilt is my least favorite flavor of ice cream. Cookies and cream all the way baby!
3. I miss my OB. Yes, this is perhaps the craziest reason of all. Sure, I still get to see her at yearly checkups, but that’s not often enough. She’s warm, and knowledgeable and always made me feel…special. She praised me for my healthy habits, marveled at how low maintenance my pregnancies were, and jokingly encourages me to have another “beautiful baby” when I do get the chance to see her. I hope I’m not the only woman who has ever desired to make her OB proud. Is that strange? Yes. Yes it is.
There you have it. My crazy reasons for wanting to be pregnant again. No, this isn’t a prediction or an announcement. So what about you? Have you ever desired to be preggers for a reason other than the joy of having another child? (Please say yes.)
YES! I have about 43 more reasons, but you’ve summed the big ones up quite nicely! Even though I don’t have easy pregnancies, I always feel healthier when I’m pregnant, and it usually a blessed 9 months without migraines. I think my hormones just know how to *do* pregnancy better than anything else. I’m with ya!!
Amy, I would love to hear your other reasons! 🙂
No! I have never wanted to be pregnant again. I know that sounds awful. I was so stressed out the whole time and couldn’t move. I just didn’t do pregnant well. Or those baby days. 😉 I am loving the time we’re in, but it is going by way too fast.
At least you know yourself well! 🙂 The baby days are tough for me, too. I like it when they’re inside and I can control them better.
I loved being pregnant. I didn’t have terrible morning sickness or anything. And I also loved my OB. So absoultely good reasons to have another one right?!
Ha! Maybe in a few years, you? 😉