A Simple Toddler Prayer for an El-Cheapo Swingset

My favorite part about tucking my toddler in each night (other than disciplining her multiple times for running out of her bedroom) is caressing her soft, smooth, round cheeks. I talk to her in a low voice, and wish her sweet dreams. The lights are very dim, but I can still see her liquid blue eyes as they start to take on a less alert state. Tonight, I asked if she wanted to pray, and was surprised when she took the lead. And because it was just so sweet, I must spell out her words exactly as she said them.
Heavenwee Fodder, pwease help my daddy, and my mommy, and my Anna. And pwease help my singset. Amen.
As I finished up with kisses and hugs, I felt so grateful that my impulse purchase of an el-cheapo swingset was received as such a blessing to my toddler. And why shouldn’t it be? Our yard is the most boring on the block (even though there are no other houses on the block). But tonight, we assembled the set as a family in near-perfect weather, with a sunset backdrop. And despite the ideal occasion and environment, I now know that SAR not only means “some assembly required” but also “some arguing required.” It wasn’t a particularly happy process, but when it was done, the sheer joy of swinging in their own backyard became a reality for my girls, and it was all worth it.
So yes, Heavenly Father, please help the swingset. These strong Kansas winds might just take it away, and I’d have two very broken-hearted little girls. Amen.
Thank you for sharing with all of us. The
sweet prayer tugged at my heartstrings.
I so enjoyed the “some arguing required”
comment. We can all identify with those
“some assembly required” moments.
Life is often like that, I think. Love, Mom
Mom, I’m happy to share these sweet moments, especially with family. 🙂
A toddler prayer is really impressive, because all of us knows that it comes from the heart. We are all great to become a child but the mother is so much great to have a child. Thanks for sharing this story!
Thank you for your comment Joseph! And I checked out your website. How awesome! If we had the funds, we would sure invest in something of this scale for our kiddos. 🙂