I unplugged, and plugged in to what matters most. (image from nourish.lifecoaching.com)
Perhaps the headline is a bit dramatic, but it would make a great TV drama, don’t you think? We’re so connected to our online networks (and I think that’s a good thing), that we often can’t imagine what we would do if we couldn’t log in. No Facebook notifications, no Twitter mentions, no Google Plus…whatever. I’m just not that into Google Plus. Yesterday, I chose to log out of all social networks, and I actually didn’t venture online at all. At 10ish Saturday night, I logged out, and didn’t log in until just a few minutes ago (8 a.m. Central on Monday morning). I had 10 Facebook notifications, 2 inbox messages, and 4 Twitter mentions. And my blog traffic? Ha! The lowest it’s ever …

You think you can contain me? Game on. And that scrape on my nose? You should have seen the other kid!
At 15 months old, my youngest escaped from her crib for the first time. I heard her crying upstairs, and knew the sound was a little too close to her door. We were shocked. And scared. We weren’t ready. She wasn’t ready. But fortunately, the fall must have scared her, because she didn’t try it again. But now, she’s a little bit bigger, a little bit older, and at 17 months, she’s got it down. Just a lift of the leg, a hoist, and she’s free. Game on.
I’m completely unprepared for this. My first daughter didn’t start doing this until 20 months or so, and even then, she just didn’t care to escape, even …

Everyone has their thing they get all “pitchforks” about. And by pitchforks, I mean that thing they believe so strongly in, that they’re quick to pick up their pitchforks and chase down whatever threatens their “thing.” Mine is healthy media for kids. And while watching the presidential debate the other night, I have admit my fingers were itching to pick up my pitchfork and fly into action. When Mitt Romney said, “I’m going to stop the subsidy to PBS,” I was a little worried. Do I want that to happen? Absolutely not. But do I think PBS would go away if it did? No, after doing some research, I don’t. It would suffer, but it probably wouldn’t disappear entirely.
But the question that some are asking, and it’s an important one, is this: why do we …

These were THE jeans. The unstoppable ones. The ones I swore I would wear again one day.
The numbers boggled my mind.
Pencil skirts…low-rise ripped jeans…designer labels…
These styles seem like such a distant memory.
Piece by piece, I pulled items out of the blue plastic tub. Stale and wrinkled, they didn’t provide the fond memories I thought they would. Didn’t make me long for the days when I wore them with flair. I was thin. Very thin. But I didn’t know it at the time. I was insecure. I pinched every jiggle, willing it away. I worked out for hours, desperate to tone, trim, firm. I tried to catch every mirror I could, desperate to like what I saw. Most of the time, though, I didn’t.
Out of curiosity, I pulled one of the shirts over my head. “Medium. …

Image from reallifetravels.com
Bring on the potions
Bring on the pills
Bring on the excitement
Bring on the thrills
I’m plucking my eyebrows
I’m waxing my legs
I’m dancing on tables
I’m standing on kegs
Ditch the minivan
Bring me a Caddy
Don’t call me mommy
Don’t call him daddy
No more Cheerios
No more crumbs
No more boogers
Sticking on thumbs
We’re going out tonight
We’re getting all clean
We’re living it up
Rage Against the Momchine!
Before you start to worry about me, this is just a little creative expression. I’m a little disgruntled.
I only own mom jeans. We’re buying a minivan. I feel better now.

Road trips. Is there anything that brings a family closer together? Two kids under four years old, two adults under 34 years old, and a car so loaded down we were often confused for the Clampetts. “Hey, ya’ll headin’ to Beverly…Hills that is?” Nope, we were heading to Texas Hill Country, off to see family deep in the heart of barbecue, boots and Friday night football. We left at 6 p.m., and arrived at 2 a.m., hopeful that our late-night travels would be peace and quiet from the back seat. Wrong. They slept a total of two hours. Whee! By the time we exited I-35 to make the short trek to my mother-in-law’s house, we were all delirious. My husband was slapping his face to stay awake (after three energy drinks), and the girls and …