Memories of the Circus Still Linger

“Mommy, where da elephants?”
As my toddler sat patiently in my lap while the ceremony began, I found it very odd that she would ask this question. We were, after all, not under “the big top,” but in a large auditorium watching not red-sequined trapeze artists, but red-gowned future graduates taking their seats. I could see how she might be confused though. Just a week ago, we sat in a large arena, waiting among a crowd eagerly anticipating a fantastic event.
As the pomp and circumstance began, I kissed her auburn hair, and let my mind linger back to a magical family moment at the Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus at Intrust Bank Arena. I was happy to receive tickets from Intrust Bank Arena and was even able to give four tickets away to one lucky blog reader. (I kind of felt like Oprah.) And even though my preschooler ended up leaving the arena in meltdown mode over a souvenir horse that wasn’t meant to be hers, it didn’t ruin my memory of the event.
My toddler delicately placing popcorn in her gaping mouth while staring in amazement at the opening act. My preschooler’s sticky face and fingers after delighting in a rare bag of cotton candy. My husband bonding with his two girls over shared applause and “ooohs” and “aaahs.” And speaking of lingering memories, I’m reminded of my own childhood time. In fact, leaving with my family for the circus is my very first memory, and my mother tells me I was only two years old. Circuses can create magical memories for your family, especially those of such quality as Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey’s. It’s the greatest show on earth, after all. 🙂
Here are a few images of our special day. I hope you can enjoy your own special memories at the circus soon!