Monster High dolls? Not for this girl.
“Mommy, a girl at preschool wants these scary looking dolls for Christmas.”
Which dolls, honey? Monster High dolls?
“Yes. I don’t think they teach good lessons, so I don’t want any.”
Huzzah! I got through to her! Somewhere along the way, through our many discussions about what is healthy and what is appropriate, she got it. Now, what to do about that Disney Princess Moon Walk she keeps asking for…

This reminds me of the awful Bratz dolls with their skimpy clothes, thigh high boots, makeup laden faces, exaggerated facial features. Ugh. Family members bought a few for my girls and we talked and talked and talked about those dolls. Luckily, all they wanted were their heads to cut and style the hair but I do remember seeing a glimmer of ooooh pretty in my oldest daughter’s eye when she saw one of the backless dresses that came with the doll. Time to gently redirect the talks.
It’s amazing how differently girls respond to these sexualized dolls, even though they don’t realize what’s going on. I HIGHLY recommend reading this book if you’ve got young girls:
My thoughts exactly – the sentiment AND the book suggestion!
You must be a smart lady! 🙂
Honestly, Disney is just as bad. Have you not seen what the female “heroines” wear? Arielle, Belle and Pocahontas are clothed in much less than the average Monster Dolls. At least Monster Dolls do not also have huge chests that the average tiny little girl can “aspire” to. They are much less sexual than Disney characters or Barbie Dolls.