She’s got the moves, much to my surprise

After five weeks of not paying much attention in dance class (and no practice at home), my daughter seemed rather nonchalant about her first public performance. We bought the outfit (ouch), styled the hair (not so bad) and skipped the makeup (I’m that mom who just won’t allow that yet). My expectations were low. After all, she’s only three, and if she made it out on stage at all it would be a small miracle. We stood behind the band shell in our hometown park, practicing and preparing to perform for a couple hundred friends and neighbors at our annual Fall Festival. She whined, “I don’t want to dance anymore. I’m tired of it!” Was this really how she felt or was she just nervous? “Honey, if you just dance one more time, and don’t ever want to again, that’s okay.” The girls lined up. I took my seat. Never in my wildest dreams did I think she would do this. I watched my little girl through the viewfinder, and saw a transformation take place. She had no fear, no reservations. I could barely hold the camera up, I was laughing SO hard. You know that kind of ugly-faced laughter that makes you cry and snort and contort your face? Yeah, that. She’s got the moves like, well, see for yourself. 😉
She’s an individual, with her own moves. 🙂
Oh my heavens….that was absolutely adorable.