Toddlers: Like Living with a Bear

They can look cute and cuddly from a distance. Bumbling around, frolicking in the wilderness, foraging for a tasty snack of juicy berries. But then, something sets them off. They feel threatened and are unable to communicate like an adult human. Suddenly, often without warning, they attack. Growling, snarling, sometimes biting. You’ve been warned.
Bear or toddler? Take your pick.
Once my “perfect” baby, my toddler’s behavior lately could be described “like a bear.” And today, she proved that analogy true. Determined to get a snack out of the “baby proofed” cabinet, she gripped the plastic sliding lock with her mighty toddler claw, and broke it. Just snapped it in two. And before my husband could stop her, she started ripping into a box of cereal. Krave. Ironic.
So when somebody complains of the trials and tribulations of living with a toddler, have a little sympathy. After all, it’s no ordinary human they’re dealing with. Bears aren’t meant to be domesticated, you know. 😉

Toddlers terrify even more than middle schoolers do.
This is so hilarious because I can’t tell the difference between this picture and one of my Amelia Grace! And man… does my two year old act like a bear. OFTEN!!! ugh… is it wrong to just run for cover!?! lol! 🙂