You’re Ready, Big Girl. You’re So Ready.

Hey baby, it’s mommy. You can’t hear me right now. You’re sound asleep in your bed, Frances the bear tucked under your arm. You had a hard time falling asleep tonight, and I can’t blame you. You’re a little nervous. Mommy is too. Tomorrow is your big day. The day you start Kindergarten.
I can tell you’re excited, and I can see a little bit of uncertainty in your eyes. Will you like your teacher? Will you make new friends? Will you know what to do?
I remember the moment I first saw your face. Your red, naked little body was placed on my chest, and I stared deeply into your wide open eyes. You looked strong. And I could tell you were feisty. You still are.
You’ve always been very curious, and this is a good thing. You’re unafraid to ask questions. You demand answers when none are readily available. Hold on to this. Don’t ever let anyone tell you that you ask too many questions. Seek, seek and seek until you find.
I want to write so much more, but I don’t need to say too many things. You’ll figure things out on your own, but know that me and daddy are always here for you.
When you wake up in the morning, I will tell you one more thing. You’re ready, big girl. You’re SO ready.