All About that Apple, No Pumpkin

I know, I know. Many of you would shake your fist at me for ever dissing those orange orbs that grace front porches everywhere this fall, but your hands are full–one with a Pumpkin Spice Latte and the other with a pumpkin muffin. Here’s the deal. I used to love pumpkin-flavored everything, from warm drinks to cold pumpkin pie ice cream. But now? It must be these pregnancy hormones. It all just sounds so…gross.

These things were HUGE! I don't have dainty hands.
These things were HUGE! I don’t have dainty hands.


As a blog ambassador for Whole Foods, I was give the opportunity to talk about some of my favorite fall-inspired foods. And wouldn’t you know, I’m all about that apple right now. I mean, local apples in season are just so crispy, sweet and delicious. I can’t get enough. I’m a frequent customer of the orchard just several miles down the road. Once, in fact, I called the owner after hours (unknowingly) and told her I was craving some Jonagolds. I had a tub of caramel and nothing do dip. “Come on over,” she said. I guess I must have sounded like a desperate pregnant woman with a serious need. 🙂

I know some think Whole Foods means "Whole Paycheck," but they have some great deals!
I know some think Whole Foods means “Whole Paycheck,” but they have some great deals!


I was eager to try the varieties at Whole Foods, and readied myself to sample several kinds. But when I arrived, I found that my very favorite variety, the Jonagolds (organic, no less) were on sale. I loaded up on my tried-and-true craving. I just couldn’t go wrong there. And let me tell you, they were amazing! 

Salted Caramel yogurt with crisp apple slices? Yes!
Salted Caramel yogurt with crisp apple slices? Yes!

I was even able to get creative with my apple slices. While I did enjoy them with my standard glob of peanut butter (you can’t go wrong there), I spotted something else tempting. Salted Caramel Greek yogurt from Brown Cow at a GREAT deal, only 80 cents each! What a great fall-flavored snack.

Delicious apple, Gouda and chicken ground up in a tantalizing brat.
Delicious apple, Gouda and chicken ground up in a tantalizing brat.

I was even able to find apple flavor infused in some unexpected areas, like these apple and aged Gouda chicken brats. I bought three (which was about a pound) and enjoyed every juicy bite with my family.

Apple cider is yummy, but not something I need to be sipping on all the time. This is a good substitute.
Apple cider is yummy, but not something I need to be sipping on all the time. This is a good substitute.

I was even able to find a delicious apple-flavored drink, that didn’t have my entire week’s worth of sugar in one serving. (I love you apple cider, but we can’t hang out all the time.) This tea was delicious, although I would recommend not letting the bag soak too long, or it’s more tart than sweet.

And don’t worry, for those of you who just can’t imagine fall without at least a little something pumpkiny, I did manage to find something for you. Of course, it could have been the chocolate chips that drew me in. Here’s to the rest of fall, and falling in love with all the flavors this season has to offer!

I like my chocolate chip bread with a little bit of pumpkin. :-)
I like my chocolate chip bread with a little bit of pumpkin. 🙂

2 responses to “All About that Apple, No Pumpkin

  1. I’m all out of apples! Our orchard stash just ran out last week. It’s worth the drive to Whole Foods or Conway to get the best kind. My last two batches from the “regular” store were mealy and gross.

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