No title. No paycheck. Just benefits.
Was it really just six months ago that I walked into my boss’s office, closed the door, and spoke the words I never thought I’d say?
I’m really sorry, but I’m leaving. I’m going to stay home with my girls. It’s just something that I need to do.
I was dreading that encounter, but she was compassionate and understanding. I had to focus on my long-term goals, rather than the short-term awkwardness. Once that was over, I had to tell the girls’ daycare provider. This was perhaps the hardest thing of all. Not only was I taking away a big part of her income, she truly loved the girls. But she understood, too.
Two weeks later, it was just me and the girls (and the occasional babysitter/daycare stay). I don’t think anything …

Big sister couldn’t wait to meet little sister, and just loved blowing raspberries on mommy’s big belly. (Photo courtesy clgphotography.net)
I have a 3 and 1 year old. I get little sleep every night. My house is usually in complete chaos, overrun by toys, clothes, and more toys. Silence is a thing of the past, a treasure I savor whenever I get a few glorious minutes. But there are moments, crazy-in-the-head moments, when I long to be pregnant again. Is it the cute newborn pics my friends keep posting to Facebook? No. Those kids are cute but not that cute. Is it the pretty preggo belly shots my friends are taking? No. They look cute with a swollen frame, but I didn’t look that cute preggers. Is it the love I feel for my two …

An entire night of sleep for Christmas? Sounds purrrrfect. (image from wallsa.com)
Every body Pauses and stares at me
These two baggy eyes are plain to see
I know just who to blame for this catastrophe!
But my one wish on Christmas Eve is as plain as it can be!
All I want for Christmas
is a good night’s sleep,
a good night’s sleep,
yes, a good night’s sleep!
Gee, if I could only
get a good night’s sleep,
then I could wish you
“Merry Christmas.”
It seems so long since I could say,
“Wow I feel so well rested!”
Gosh oh gee, how happy I’d be,
if in earplugs I invested!
All I want for Christmas
is a good night’s sleep,
a good night’s sleep,
yes, a good night’s …

Employers: do you really want drool on that paperwork? No? Then create a nap room. (image from: http://www.telegraph.co.uk)
I can’t remember the last time I got a solid night’s sleep. And by solid, I mean six hours, uninterrupted. Anything more is just extravagance. Even when we’ve shipped the kids off to the grandparent’s for a night, or when we escaped for a weekend (whee), I still woke up. It might take an entire bottle of wine, or some super powerful sleeping pills to knock me out. Still, I know I get more sleep now than when I was working full time. No, SAHMs don’t get to take luxurious naps during the day (unless their kids are in school), but I do get to sleep in a little bit later, and work stress doesn’t keep me up at …


Don’t you wish parenting came with one of these? (image from turbosquid.com)
Just a couple of days ago, I was freaking out that my 17 month old is already escaping from her crib. Like always, I took to Twitter and Facebook crowd sourcing for ideas. Should I move her to a toddler bed? Give her a serious talking to? Let her take our bed and we’ll sleep on the floor? (Kidding, people) I wrote that first post while she was sleeping in her crib, for her nap. I thought maybe I was freaking out for nothing. Maybe she would go ahead and stay in her crib, and only get out when she woke up. Ha! I am seriously funny.
I put her to bed that night, and thought we were …