Prude and Proud

This was a GREAT suit for my youngest. Provided coverage, but allowed for easy diaper changes.

I’ll be the first to admit I don’t always make the healthiest parenting decisions. My kids probably watch too much TV (even if it’s educational, it’s probably too much), I KNOW they drink too much juice, and on nights that we’re really tired, get home late, or fall asleep on the couch, we don’t always brush their teeth before bed. So, before I get on my soapbox, let me assure you that I am not a perfect parent, by far.

That being said, there is one thing I pride myself on. Being a prude. Raising two daughters in this overly-sexualized world is tough, but I’m trying to navigate these waters the best I can. I’m not trying to keep them …

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Friends, I’ve got some great news. For years, I’ve been dreaming of doing just one thing…writing…with a pen. But up until now, I’ve had to labor away at the keyboard, unable to sign my daughter’s enrollment form at preschool, the loan paperwork for my mortgage, and the checks we give to charity. My husband, with his big masculine hands, has been the only one able to pick up a writing utensil.

But now, thanks to the brilliant minds at Bic, I have reason to rejoice. Finally…FINALLY…a company listened. For years, I’ve been typing correspondence to pen manufacturers begging them to please consider the majority of the population when making their products. After all, at only 5′ 10″, I’m somewhat of a weakling. I’ve only birthed two children, and just couldn’t muster the strength to pick up a …

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It seems innocent enough on the outside…

I have to admit I’ve been a little, well, anxious lately. Try as I may to control it on my own, it’s been tough. After all, exposing your heart and soul to the elements can be a little stressful. Throw a three-year-old and one-year-old on top of that, and the other day-to-day tasks that still have to get done (laundry, cooking, cleaning, shopping, laundry, laundry, and more laundry) and it’s a little heavy on my chest.So, it was a relief last night to have a good, hearty laugh. No anxiety medication comes close to what laughter (and a good massage) can cure. Now, it probably wouldn’t have been funny if the age of my sense of humor matched my biological age. You see, I laugh at things an …

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