Dear Grandad

My handsome grandfather. My hero.


Dear Grandad Patterson,

I never met you, but that didn’t mean I didn’t know about you. My dad talked about you all the time. Still does. He told me all about your heroism. He talked about how you went to war. He talked about how you never came home. At 26, you left a wife and three young children at home. But you also left a legacy. One of love, and one of loyalty to this great country you fought for. You died for. Thank you for your sacrifice. If it wasn’t for men and women like you, I might not be here. My children wouldn’t be here. You gave your life for me. For them. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.



5 responses to “Dear Grandad

  1. Beautiful, Cat! You look a bit like him, by the way! 🙂 My Grandfather served in the war too, but we were all blessed in that he made it home. It was always so interesting to hear his stories.

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