From great shame to great pride: my first published piece

There it is. My pride and shame. (But mostly, my pride.)

It’s funny how things work out. I’ve long dreamed of seeing my name in print. And I mean real print. The kind that comes hot off the press, and leaves a pulp and ink smell on your fingers. The good stuff.

Today, that happened. I received a package in the mail from MennoMedia. Inside, were two issues of the February 2013 issue of Purpose, a monthly periodical used for worship and personal devotions. Opening up the cover, I saw my name. In the table of contents. Even though I was well aware I’d submitted an article, and that it had been accepted, it still took awhile to process. Was this for real? Yes. Yes it was.

And while my heart swelled with pride, my head did not. You see, the story that was selected for their “Confession” themed issue was one of great shame for me. It’s a shortened version of this post I wrote about a time I lied to my parents, confessed, and found an entirely new relationship with God. It’s powerful stuff. It’s a skeleton from my closet, that I’ve let out to dry. And now the story no longer lives only online. It lives in print, which in my mind, is much more permanent. It’s a little scary, to be honest. But it’s a story that matters. One that may just touch someone else, and cause them to confess a sin of their own, or perhaps find forgiveness for a past transgression.

This is what I want to do. To impact others. To open my heart, pull out a story, and make a difference. Not every piece I write will do this. Some are fluff. Some are fun. But others, the ones that are the hardest to write, the ones that lay my soul bare, are the ones worth writing. I’m so honored that this piece was chosen for wider distribution. If you’d like to have your own copy (I only received two), call 1-800-245-7894. It’s a very nice publication, with many inspiring articles (including mine).

It’s a wonderful feeling to write for a higher purpose. And for Purpose.
There’s just something about seeing your name in real ink on real paper.


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