He never promised me a rose garden, but he delivered

When my oldest daughter was almost a year old, my husband brought home a unique gift for Mother’s Day. Two rose bushes. One red, and one yellow. At the time, I was flattered, but had no idea just how amazing that gift would turn out to be. While I like yellow and red roses, my favorite is a pink or peach rose. I’m not sure my husband had any idea this would happen, but the two plants, placed several feet apart in our front flower bed, have started to cross pollinate (or something like that). I know nothing about roses, except that I like to look at them and smell them. But somehow, the yellow rose bush has started to produce peach and pinkish roses, even some yellow roses with red spots. They’re gorgeous, absolutely gorgeous. It’s the best Mother’s Day gift I could have ever imagined, even if our poor blooms keep getting poached by my flower-loving preschooler. Enjoy!

I loved the drop of dew inside this yellow beauty.
Like red on a rose…
One of the peach beauties created from the two bushes.
A simply gorgeous specimen.


And when I turned my back, my preschooler started a “collection” for me. 🙂

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