Hillbilly Heaven at a Small Town Parade

This weekend marks my little hometown’s annual Fall Festival. This year’s theme is “Hillbilly Heaven,” so naturally everyone dressed in their hillbilliest duds (think overalls, rope belts, pigtails, oversized boots, cutoff plaid shirts). I shouldn’t have told you the theme, so you would just think we’re really this redneck. I mean, we are, but we typically don’t dress this bad (or good, however you look at it). I snapped a few pics from my sister’s yard, our standard parade-watching seats. My older daughter actually got to ride on a float in the parade with her preschool class, while my younger daughter watched the parade rather unimpressed from her stroller. (We had to put her on “lockdown” since she kept running out into the road.) There are some strange and wonderful things at a small-town parade. Some observations I made:

1. Shriners are weird. Sorry, they just are.
2. Miss Kansas, as pleasant as she was, did not wave in typical “elbow-elbow-wrist-wrist” fashion.
3. It’s a miracle more bystanders don’t get injured at parades. People are crazy, yo. I saw a grown woman dash out in front of a semi for an Airhead. Ironic.
4. Horses go last for a reason.


Toddler on lockdown. She was NOT amused.
My parade-watching gear. Had to stay with the theme you know.
Shriners are weird. Case in point. Sorry, just my opinion.


Need dirt work done? Call Jaden. Best dirt-workin’ guy West
of the Mississippi. (Plus, he just learned how to spell M-i-s-s-i-s-s-i-p-p-i in school.)


Daughter on her preschool’s float. She’s the one rockin’ the white shades. 😉


I asked my daughter to throw me some Skittles, she threw me a whole bag! Win for mommy!
Sleeping baby strapped to a tractor. Cause around here, kids are born farmin’!
I’m not quite sure what was going on here, but I have to admit it looked fun.
Here’s our parade watching crew. (And my studly husband in his volunteer fire dept. shirt. He had to jump into action last year when a parade car caught on fire right in front of us.)
Chamber of Commerce float. Because nothing quite says “business development” like…this. Love it! 🙂


Lucky dogs got to be a part of the action. (P.S. Do Blue Heelers have suction cups on the bottom of their feet?)


My friend Kelly with her two kids (under 4) both riding ponies. She is more woman than I’ll ever be. (And thanks a lot, every kid watching the parade now wants a pony.)
Checking out the post parade loot. Mommy may have to snag a few pieces…

9 responses to “Hillbilly Heaven at a Small Town Parade

  1. Congrats!! The site looks great. I’m sorry it took so long for me to get here! And the festival looks all kinds of crazy fun.

    And just fyi, i noted your blog in my ‘honors’ page. All for my boy passed the Liebster award to me and I pass it to you. 🙂

    1. Hey, cool! So, you’re giving me an award? Sweet! (Or did I read that wrong?) Either way, you’re so sweet to think of me! (And I love your new header!)

  2. I stole your photo of our tractor. Needed that good shot of our sleeping grandbaby. I think every kid on there has had a turn being that sleeping baby!

  3. #2: Who really does that elbow sway/wrist turning wave anyway?! Her “normal wave” just shows how “real” she is. I will say, she had a hard time being poised with Jenna and I waving and yelling like hicks in a small town parade, making sure all the people we knew saw us driving Miss Kansas.

    1. Oh, you’re a hoot! And I held back from saying who was doing the “beauty queen” wave. It was a man in another car. 🙂

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