I would do anything for views, but I won’t do that…

See? Mommy used the f-bomb three times! Let’s just hope grandma doesn’t see! (image from: grandparents.com)

I’m not going to lie. I sure like logging into my dashboard and seeing triple digits not long after I make a post. (Quadruple digits would be nice, someday, but I’m not there yet.) But there are some things I just won’t do for views. After all, I care more about (way more about) quality than quantity.

No-oooh…I won’t do that: 

1. Drop the Bomb: You know the one. The salty language used by some bloggers may draw “tsk-tsks” finger wagging, but it also draws attention. And attention means more page views. And while I would love to see my work circulate online faster than a LOL Cat meme, it’s just not worth it to me. Yes, I’m very candid and sometimes cross boundaries, but I’m not vulgar (at least, I don’t think I am). And if you ever see or hear me use that word, call 911. Because either I’m dying (in extreme pain) or about to kill someone else (in extreme rage). If you’re looking to live vicariously through another mother’s sailor mouth, you’ll need to find another blogger.

2. Name names: I live in a small town. A very small town. And while some consider it a luxury to write “anonymously,” I’m actually glad to live in a community where I can’t get away with much. Sure, I give honest, accurate accounts of events in my life, but I’d like to protect people’s privacy as much as possible. So, I don’t name names. I make up different ones. 😉

3. Give the deets between the sheets: While I’m all for transparency and openness, I’m just not comfortable (at all) sharing intimate details of my marriage. Some bloggers write relatable, honest expressions of their intimate lives, but I’m just not that kind of girl. And I also want to respect my husband’s privacy. We have a wonderful marriage, but it’s not perfect. We’re madly in love, and sometimes, just…mad. It’s normal. But if there’s something I’d like to write about, and I think my husband might object, I ask his permission. Only once has he objected, and I’m glad he did. It really was too personal. (And now you’ll never know all about it. 🙂

I guess the truth is, I wouldn’t do anything for views. Would I tell a story that could embarrass myself? Absolutely. Reveal the truth about what’s on my heart? Yep. Cuss, slander or completely drop my filter? Nope. And that’s just fine with me.

8 responses to “I would do anything for views, but I won’t do that…

  1. I respect that you have values. (I have a potty mouth so for that I do apologize and hope you aren’t too offended if you visit.) I also respect that you have determined the things you won’t do up front so that you aren’t having to wonder about them down the line. I find that a blogger I expected one thing from who does something entirely shocking or out of character is usually doing so just for the views. That’s disheartening. I try to be genuine (yes, that does include an unabashed colorful word or there) but that’s me and I think were I to stop entirely it’d be disingenuous. I’m trying to think of something else I wouldn’t do (give sheet deets is out as is be specific with names). Ooh, I know: I won’t show my body. Sexy as I am, no one wants that.

  2. I’m totally with you on 2 and 3 and respect where you’re coming from on 1. I think it’s really important to know your boundaries and make peace with them. It’s particularly important for me not to “go negative” on other blogs or bloggers. “Hate posts” get a lot of hits, sure, but then you’re got your name forever associated with being an internet jerk so what then?

    1. Great point about not writing “hate” posts! And you know, one of my main objections to liberally using the F-bomb is that once it’s overused, it’s no long emphatic. How will anyone know if I’m serious if the worst word I can think of is now as common as a Gangnam-style parody? 😉

  3. Interestingly, the first time I tried to open this story, my virus software wouldn’t open it saying it was a pornographic site.
    I guess you just have to mention the F-bomb.

    Here’s to clean living and speaking!

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