Learning How to Love My Laugh Lines

Laugh lines should be funny, right? Or are they a misnomer, like “funny bone?”  Either way, I was a little taken aback by this family photo taken at Easter. While I should be focusing on the fact that I have a beautiful, happy family, my eyes were instantly drawn to the collection of little lines around my eyes. When did this happen? Who is this person?

I never thought I would really care about the visible results of aging (I’ve got two kiddos, so I’m kind of over that by now). But this has me a bit befuddled. Should I embrace these new accessories? Start using serums like a mad woman? Start crying in hopes that they’ll reverse? I suppose there’s no turning back now, so I’ll just chalk it up to living a full life, and keep on smiling.

8 responses to “Learning How to Love My Laugh Lines

  1. I remember the day I started noticing laugh lines, frown lines, old age lines, and every other kind of line on my face. It was a bit harrowing. Then, I decided that I had earned every line that was possible and imaginable. Without all those lines and wrinkles, I would not have lived a very full life and gone through all the trials and experiences that made me who I am today. Just relax and enjoy whatever comes your way. You’ve earned it all, girl!

  2. I remember the day I saw the bottom half of my twin pregnancy belly in the mirror at the doctor. I knew I’d get stretch marks and had already decided I’d wear them proudly after all we went through waiting for these two. Well, logic aside, I shrieked. Nurses came running. My noise was more embarassing than the road map on my stomach and I stood there laughing with these dear women who weighed me once a week and told me NOT to look at the scale. The moment we see ourselves aging is never as graceful as our decision to love ourselves aging. And it’s a lovely pic, by the way.

    1. Oh you’re so sweet. 🙂 I really like that line, “The moment we see ourselves aging is never as graceful as our decision to love ourselves aging.” Amen, sister!

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