Rediscovering the Fine Art of Friendship

There are times in my life when I’d like to be “awesome through association.” That is, I’d like to point out something spectacular from someone I know, and maybe you’ll think I’m capable of such awesomeness, too. Yesterday was one of those times.

My friend Brandi (@BrandiK, I consider her a friend even though we’ve never met IRL) gave her friend Megan (@MegLovely, coolest name ever) an awesome birthday gift. Here it is:


In case you’re unfamiliar with Pinterest, it’s a collection of images that Megan will enjoy. Images of cute baby animals that will make her say, “Awww..” Obviously, Brandi put a lot of thought into this gift, even though she said, “That’s me hoping she won’t notice I haven’t gone shopping. ;)” But if it’s “the thought that counts,” then this gift is probably worth far more than any store-bought present. 

Brandi amazes me for so many reasons, but this really got to me. She obviously puts her friends high on her priority list (along with so many other things). I have to admit I feel convicted about how I’ve been treating my friends lately. I’ve been a lousy, lousy friend. I have. I’ve canceled plans, forgotten birthdays, and haven’t called to check in nearly as often as I should. 

So, to all of my friends new and old, I’m sorry. I love you, and I value you. And someday, maybe I’ll create a Pin Board just for you (with pics of wine, chocolate, and sandy beaches). 

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