LOVE this image! (from

In light of the recent Ann Romney/Hilary Rosen debate, I felt called to give my take on the reignited “mommy war” controversy. Because I recently switched from one “side” to the other (even though I think we should both be on the same side), I have strong feelings about a woman’s role at home or in the workplace. I have a message for moms (and dads, and other concerned citizens). 

To the Workplace Moms:

You are awesome. You bust your butt every day to help provide a safe, loving environment for your children and family. From budgeting to bedtimes, you wear many hats throughout the day. You should feel proud of your accomplishments and the wonderful example you’re setting for your daughters (and sons). If this was the choice you …

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SAHM I Am – Day 1

Much like I expected, my first day as a SAHM got off to a glorious start. I slept in late, then luxuriated over a cup of coffee while listening to the birds chirp “good morning” through the open kitchen window. I whistled a happy little tune while preparing a delicious, healthy breakfast for my darling daughters. A giggling sound floated down the stairs as Erica awoke, and Anna skipped down to breakfast with a smile on her face as warm as the April sunshine. (Ok, if you’re still reading along, thinking  this is an accurate depiction of my morning, then you’re insane, or naive, or both.)

It’s  a little early to tell what life as a SAHM (or WAHM, or whatever) will be like. I can tell you right now there’s one thing I’ll miss about …

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I went through orientation for my new job today. Apparently, this place still allows hazing.

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