To honor his life, I’ll keep on living. Happiness is the best tribute.

My brother loved me, and our entire family. He took delight in our accomplishments, and was genuinely interested in our day-to-day lives. He wanted nothing but for us to be happy and healthy. If I’d chosen to stay on the path of destruction, he would be heartbroken. And for me to break his heart again, I just couldn’t bear.

Brother, your little sister is happy. She’s leading a full, busy life full of laughter and love. She follows Christ, and yearns to learn more about his teachings, just like you did. The sound of little feet fill her home, and her family fits snugly in the core of her heart. She is happy, so happy. Her children are proof:


She’s such a delight. And you would probably agree, just like me when I was younger. Ta-da!
She melts your heart with her generous hugs and frequent kisses. And who couldn’t love that gap-toothed smile?

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