Why I started Weight Watchers, even though I’m not overweight

Yep. That’s about what I look like when I eat. (image from diseaseproof.com)

“Honey, don’t make fun of me, but I’d like to start Weight Watchers tomorrow.”

An awkward silence hung in the air between my husband and I as we drove down the road. After all, how should a man respond to this? They want to be supportive, but never insinuate that you need to lose weight. It’s a tough position to be in. Do they say, “That’s great dear,” and risk being yelled at for admitting she’s plump? Or do they say, “Sweetie, you don’t need to do that,” and risk being yelled at for not being supportive? Danged if you do, danged if you don’t. Sorry guys, it’s tough being you sometimes.

So, my husband did a smart thing by asking a neutral question. “Okaaaaay….is that the one where you have to buy all those special foods?”

“No,” I said, “That’s Jenny Craig.”

“So, why do you want to do this?” (Again, a smart thing to do. Ask questions.)

“Well, I don’t think I’m fat…” I replied, to which he immediately responded, “NO! You’re not. Not at all.” (Smart man. Very smart man.)

I answered, “I just want to fit well into my jeans. I don’t like the way I feel. I eat too much. And it’s starting to slowly catch up with me.”

Of course, he wanted to know, “Wait a second. Does this mean I have to eat all that healthy stuff, too?” (Gotta love how a man thinks.)

(image from fitzone.com)

And so it goes. I started Weight Watchers yesterday. I’m not overweight, according to any doctor’s scale. I can squeeze into a size 10, and I’m happy with that. (And yes, I’m revealing my size. Big woop.) So then why on earth would I want to begin a weight loss regimen? Why would I want to subject myself to a food diary? Here’s why:

1. I don’t need rock-hard abs, but I don’t want to look perpetually pregnant, either: My out-of-control eating habits wreak havoc on my midsection, making me look 3-4 months pregnant at times. I guess this could come in handy for the prime “Expectant Mothers” parking stall at Dillons though…

2. I don’t want to buy new clothes: Sure, who wouldn’t love a new wardrobe? I would. But when you’re down to one income, it’s not a reality. I need to fit into my current closet selection. It’s a matter of economic necessity.

3. I don’t gain gracefully: Some women can add a few pounds, and look great doing it. They fill out in all the right places, and make you understand why Marilyn Monroe was so appreciated. But I’m not an hourglass, I’m a pear. And while fat-bottomed girls may make the rockin’ world go round, I’m no J-Lo, either. Curvy and toned? Hot. Squishy and bloated? Not.

4. I don’t want to set a bad example for my girls: I’ve been blessed with a tall frame and fairly quick metabolism. And my girls probably will be, too. But what if they’re not? What if they struggle with weight? I don’t want them to think eating four banana muffins hot out of the oven (with a pat of butter) is okay. Even though they were really yummy. I want them to appreciate and enjoy food, but not over-indulge like I do. It’s just not healthy.

5. I want to have more energy: You’d be surprised at how much I pack away every day. Especially now that I’m at home full time, where all the food in the fridge has my name on it. And I love to cook, and sample while I’m cooking. But my body spends too much energy trying to process all of that extra food, instead of helping me chase my girls around and keep up with day-to-day tasks.

So why Weight Watchers? I don’t want to buy pre-packaged foods, and I can’t keep up with calorie counting or funky fad diets. With this program, I can eat real food, and I’m able to easily track it all with their online program. Again, I’m just trying to shed 5-10 pounds and keep it off. This is just giving me a little more structure and guidance than I could find on my own. So far, I’m liking the program, even though I’m very hungry. My body just has to adjust to eating a normal amount of food. Salsa, veggies, air-popped popcorn and big glasses of water are helping me make it through.

I also have a whole new appreciation for those who have serious amounts of weight to lose. Oh my goodness. Those who lose 20, 40, 60+ pounds are my new heroes. It has to be incredibly difficult. Kudos to you! If you have an inspiring story, or words of encouragement, I’d love to know!


If you’re a breakfast lover (like me), you’ll enjoy this new e-cookbook from my friends at dietsinreview.com. Baker’s Dozen is a collection of their 13 best breakfast and brunch recipes, and is only $1.99! Also, the first 100 downloads are eligible to win a prize pack full of awesome kitchen gear, including a Yonanas ice cream maker, cutting board set, adorable paper straws, and a doughnut pan. The first 100 downloads will all receive a free DietsInReview.com four-in-one measuring cup! Order yours here today.


8 responses to “Why I started Weight Watchers, even though I’m not overweight

  1. Good for you! I’ve done WW, but found I would eat most of my points before 10am. Then what the heck do you do for the rest of the day?!

    Our work is doing an in-house Biggest Loser. So I find I cheat on the weekends then starve during the week to lose. That’s so healthy.

    But I have found a really cool and free app called Lose It. This app lets you scan the barcodes on food and automatically loads it into your food log. It’s pretty darn cool.

    Good luck!

  2. Good luck! It is a great program. I started at WW this time last year and loved it! Everything about it! I loved the support from the meetings! I got to a point where I wasn’t able to attend the meetings anymore, but then went back a few months later and it was… different. Right now, I go back and forth between calorie counting and points counting. I’ve lost about 70lbs so far and I recently finished my first half marathon, something I only dreamed of a year ago!

    1. Wow! That’s truly amazing. And I meant what I said about being my hero. And a half marathon to boot! *virtual fist bump* Way to go Carrie. 🙂

  3. Good for you, Cat. It’s hard to realize how much you are putting in your mouth until you start keeping track of it. I’m guilty of it too. I usually just eat when and what I want to, and it can get away from you – to that point where working out daily doesn’t even balance it. I started using the MyFitnessPal app on my phone to keep track, but they have an online tool too. Happy eating, my friend!

  4. I have done weight watchers twice. Once before I was pregnant with my second son and lost about 40 pounds. Then I started back up again after I had him and have lost about another 12. I am 3 pounds away from my “lifetime” WW goal. I love how easy the program is to follow and how I can eat whatever I want, just in moderation. Good luck!

  5. Hey! How did it work out for you? Did you stick with it or find that the 5-10 pounds loss wasn’t what WW is designed for. How did you feel at meetings? Thanks!

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