Write Where You Are

Someone asked me recently if I consider myself a “mommy blogger.” Hmm…I’m a mom. And I blog. So, technically, I suppose I am. But I’m also a lot of other things. I’m a wife, a sister, an aunt and a so-so friend (my poor pals have been pretty neglected these past few years). It’s not that I’m boring. I just don’t have time to be interesting.

As it turns out, not everyone is a fan of mommy bloggers. “All they do is talk about their kids’ bodily functions  and tantrums and lack of sleep and blah, blah, blah…” I have to admit I was a bit intimidated to even start a blog for fear that “those” people wouldn’t think I was funny or clever.

But you know what? I really don’t care anymore. Writing is my outlet, my indulgence, my escape. And I’ve decided that it’s ok to embrace right where I am, and write where I am. I’ve included my first-ever blog post below, to remind myself why I started this in the first place. (And big props to Judy Dunn who helped my better understand my misgivings about blogging: What’s Under Your Bed?: 10 Monster Blogging Fears Worth Chasing Down.)


Blog Post

Oops, gotta go. Daughter just peed on the floor. Turns out mommy blogs do revolve around bodily functions.

10 responses to “Write Where You Are

  1. I know what you mean. A lot of people do say that about “mommy blogs.” But you know what, I have a lot of male followers, single followers, young and childless followers. People can relate. You know why? They have mothers and they were children and they are curious.

  2. Thanks for sending me here. When I attended BlogWorld Expo a couple of years ago, I was struck by the diversity of bloggers: from companies that sell products to individual people with passions and hobbies and everything in between. And since their purposed for blogging were very different, so were their topics and strategies. Some bloggers don’t even write for an audience. We had an interesting discussion about that once on my blog. Bloggers with no readers: are they still bloggers? (If a tree falls in the forest, does it make a sound if no one hears it?) I say, if you just want to get your thoughts out and aren’t particularly interested in building an audience, more power to you! I also found quickly that I had many more readers than commenters (which is still the case). Here’s a toast to even more courage. : )

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