Yes, I’m one of those. Although I’ve never thumped a book at anyone or really considered myself a freak (except during my punk stage in high school) I am a follower of Jesus Christ. He is my Lord and Savior. Have I always been this way? Sort of. I was raised Roman Catholic, but after the fallout of my brother’s suicide, I just couldn’t return to that particular denomination. I spent years wandering in the dark, until I opened up my heart to Christ again. (Read my testimony here.) I still admire many qualities of the church, and enjoy wonderful relationships with friends and family who are Catholic. They understand, and I love them for it. Now, I belong to the United Methodist Church, and have found a warm, loving church family. It’s a small congregation, and it feels like home. From time to time, I share what’s on my heart and mind about this marvelous thing called “Faith.” Such a small word for such a complex topic.

“These? These are the ones you don’t want around? The ones whose precious angel voices are raised in harmony to worship the God you try and contain in your four walls, your leather-bound pages, your doctrine and dogma? The ones who’ve been driven out, ghosted, forgotten, ignored, muzzled and hog tied with red tape? These ones? These flesh-covered bones carrying impossibly large souls who just refuse…to die. To go away. Door after door has been slammed in their face and like the hemorraghing woman they did not stop reaching for Jesus.”
As our hundreds of voices communed together with The Many in singing “Come, Thou Fount,” my heart mourned for the ones who lost us. Congregations and churches and small groups and committees and ministries and worship bands and faith communities have lost …